The Best Late Night Library Snacks to Keep Your Brain Fueled
We also know that a lot of you will be cramming in the library right now, if you manage to get a seat! Everyone needs snacks to keep them going as a motivator and also to fuel that big brain of yours! We know how it is during exams, all you want to do is stick your headphones in, and graze on crisps and sugary snacks which make you feel rubbish so why not make your snacks nutritious? That is why we’ve come up with the best late night library snacks to keep your brain fueled for the late night sessions library session.
Carrots and Hummus
This snack is healthy, filling and inexpensive especially if you have a few leftover carrots hanging around in your fridge. You can either make your very own hummus (you just need a blender, chickpeas, tahini, garlic, and oil) or buy it ready made! Cut up your carrots or other vegetables such as cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, pitta bread! The protein in the chickpeas will contribute to growing more brain cells, and the lemon juice in the hummus contains antioxidants, which will stop you from getting ill!

You can pack your smoothie with brain-boosting ingredients such as blueberries which are full of antioxidants that help to protect brain cells or even chia seeds which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. This can aid concentration and memory so you get the most out of that study session. This can be made cheaper by buying frozen fruit.
Protein Balls
Protein balls are the perfect library snack that you can grab on the go and will keep you fuelled during your lengthy study session, perfection! You can even make these from scratch, there are plenty of recipes online. Click here for a recipe

Overnight Oats
Just like dessert for breakfast- what more could you want? If you want berry oats to give your brain a boost, you can. If you fancy something a little sweeter, like chocolate brownie oats, you certainly can. There’s a type of overnight oats for everyone, be as creative as you can! Click here for some recipes to get you started.
Nuts contain lots of vitamin E which you need to maintain a healthy brain function. Go eat peanuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews, or even nutella!

Fruit as boring as it sounds is one of the best foods to keep you going through those late night study sessions. Apples contain antioxidants which prevent disease and should keep you healthy and energised. They are also known to improve memory. Grab an apple as part of the meal deal next time!
Strongbow Dark Fruits
Ok … we aren’t sure about this one. But some people have claimed to have enhanced abilities when they are tipsy. But Dark Fruits is probably the most acceptable drink as black currents are known to reduce anxiety and stress.